Working with Suicidal Clients
by Dr. Gregg Elliott

Regardless of your area of specialty and clinical setting, it's likely that at some point in your career you will be working with a suicidal client. While counselor education programs have made improvements over the last decade or so in how counselors are trained to work with clinical suicidality, most counselors are not likely receiving the quantity and coverage of the full range of topics they need to feel comfortable working with suicidal clients. I've spent many years as a trainer of suicide gatekeeper trainings, as a counselor educator and clinical supervisor, as a suicide education researcher, and as a licensed professional counselor working with suicidal clients.

This four-part video series, Working with Suicidal Clients is my best attempt to create a brief but comprehensive professional development training geared toward mental health professionals who want to increase their knowledge and self-efficacy on how to work with suicidal clients. The training is based on my belief that suicide is treatable and that counselors can make a life-saving difference when we engage suicidal clients through evidence-based best practices. I hope you will benefit from the research and guidance that I've put together in this training!

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