CCACE Courses

Jurisprudence Prep Class

The Jurisprudence exam is a required piece of the licensure application process. This preparatory course is intended to provide you with knowledge about the structure and format of the exam and the content addressed in the exam

LPC Supervision Training

Taught by industry leaders in Colorado, this six-hour training meets the requirements of LPC Rule 1.7 for LPCs providing clinical supervision. The CCA LPC Supervision Training is what you need to build your clinical supervision foundation.

Adventure and Nature Based Therapy ...

Adventure and Nature Based Therapy is a growing field which requires a unique set of skills in order to conduct safely and ethically. The potential for improving client outcomes through nature and adventure is supported by research, however, ....

An Introduction to Teen Self Harm

Welcome to this training. I am grateful that you are joining me on this journey to help teenagers! I’ve worked with teenagers for over 20 years and I am constantly amazed by their resilience and grit. 

The RPG Metaphor

Table Top Role-Playing Games (TTRPG) are immersive, collaboratively story-telling games! In these games, players are encouraged to build a character in a fantasy world, assigning these character statistics, strengths, skills, and personality traits. ...

Continuing Professional Competence

The Continuing Professional Competency (CPC) Program for Professional Counselors in Colorado is one of the most robust and well-developed initiatives of the Department of Regulatory Agencies or DORA. Yet, ironically, it is also one of the least understood...

An Essential Primer for Psychedelic...

A resurgence of research on psychedelics for common mental health problems, such as depression, anxiety, PTSD, and addictions, is rapidly shifting possibilities ....

Multicultural Case Conceptualization

Do you feel like something was missing in your multicultural training? I often hear from practitioners that their multicultural training expanded their self-awareness, ...

An Introduction to Supporting Queer, Trans, & Gender-Expansive Clients in Counseling

This presentation is an introduction to key concepts related to supporting and affirming queer, trans, and gender expansive communities.

Working with Suicidal Clients by Dr. Gre...

Regardless of your area of specialty and clinical setting, it's likely that at some point in your career you will be working with a suicidal client.  While counselor education programs have made improvements ....

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